Volkswagen Passat Sedan of the Year in the West Kazakhstan region
№12537 Created: 5 December 2022
Car condition:Select
Selling a car For its age in excellent condition Everything works The car is in perfect condition The engine runs smoothly The turbine works perfectly Recently replaced with a new one The gearbox works perfectly, all speeds work The chassis is new Everything was changed on time The gaps are all even The side members are in place The interior is intact Every day on the move Tires winter summer Winter tires on stamps in good condition tires 1 season Summer on wheels in good condition tires 1 season The car sat down and drove Reason for sale buying a newer car Exchange not interested Minimum bargaining Bargaining only on the hood For 2 do not offer Call 8 70****** **75 Price 2,800,000
Looking for Volkswagen Passat Sedan of the Year in the West Kazakhstan region ? On the site you will find Passat Sedan for any budget. We have both new and used cars of various models and model years. Submit ads for free and sell fast!